Monday 30 March 2009

Naming the project

Today I bumped into a whole bunch of people that I had been thinking might be helpful for the project, so I got some useful feedback on the broad brush strokes of the idea, which was great.

Based on one of the conversations, I came up with a name for the project which made it very "real"...!

In fact the experience of naming the project at first took it to like a whole new place in my mind........ I almost felt scared of the potential that moment unleashed.

I then struggled internally with this 'fear'! Was it that it now being more 'real' I had to take more responsibilty for it? Was it not wanting to take the new broader view gleaned form the helpful input of others, and thus perhaps ego, or was it a genuine concern that I could lose focus on the initial idea?

Reb Noach was fearless about reality. Why hide from the immeasurable pleasure of knowing truth, experiencing Hashem? We have responsibilities and that shouldn't scare us but energise us!

Later in the day I also had the idea of videoing the process leading up to rolling this project out and think that could add a whole new cool dimension.

Most importantly my pleasurable moment was buying a funky notebook to jot down to-do lists and ideas! I adore perusing notebooks, files etc and I'm looking forward to a break from the computer screen!

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