Monday 30 March 2009

Adrenalin rush and working on my sensitivity

It's 4:30 am and I haven't been able to sleep for nights on end now! Last night I was awake until it was light, and tonight looks like the same...!

Last night, I looked into different websites that have a similar concept to the project that I've been chewing on, and reading up blogs from experts in this particular field. It is amazing just how much information is out there on everything and anything...! I joined a number of groups and tested different forums that will be potentially suitable for the roll out.

Tonight I invited large quantities of relevant people to be a facebook friends in preparation. During this activity I listened to many of the eulogies of Reb Noach on

Both nights were informative and important, but I'm a different person right now after what I heard tonight. Yes, the world wide web is fall of "information", but it doesn't change you as a person. But listening to the Toras chaim "the Torah of life" in each of the eulogies, I feel more sensitised, more aware, even ashamed of my day that was. Why wasn't I a better person? Why wasn't I more caring? Why didn't I achieve more? yet I feel empowered to grow tomorrow, to give more, to be more appreciative.

Torah "knowledge"...Torah 'information' should never ever be cold facts...If one is not changed then one isn't learnig right. So, if I can truly start to internalise some of the ideas of Reb Noach on how to actualise one's potential in the correct way, with trust, and with clarity, and with joy and zealousness, then this whole project becomes in his zechus, his merit on every level.

Also I contacted the two people during the day, that I wanted to brainstorm with but neither were able to speak until tomorrow, so I'm excited to hear their response, get their feedback and input, and see whether they are interested in rolling this project out as well.

One person, is very dynamic, charismatic and lives on the other side of the world. The other person is extremely logical and will be able to analyse the idea effectively.

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