Saturday 28 March 2009

The idea in memory of Reb Noach z'l formulates...

It's just been an incredible Shabbat! I've been fluey all week, but the nurofen plus plus plus (!) wedded with this particular idea in memory of Reb Noach z'l, as well as the holiness of Shabbat, gave me this synthetic (?) boost of energy that was amazing.

I made it to Mikveh and Shul on friday night, and woke up at 3am and learnt the parsha and different books until 6am. There is nothing like the sweetness of learning Torah on shabbat!

During the day I had different thoughts on how to roll out the Reb Noach project and also brainstormed possible problems and solutions. I was also thinking, why aim for $5 million?! Let's shoot for $10 million!!

We had shabbat guests staying over but, still fluey, I didn't see much of them!

I like projects to move at a fast, even ferocious pace and I'm thinking of who to first contact to move forward with this one. Two people have come to mind.

The moment you involve other parties it ceases to be your project but then has the potential to be so much more. Each person has unique qualities, perspectives and skills they bring to the table.

The challenge is being ok with a project taking on new unexpected directions, having other people do things their way even when you disagree. The idea that we actually become more by sharing is such a powerful one and ultimately the key to true growth.

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