Saturday 28 March 2009

Approaching a project Reb Noach style

Another thought that I chewed on over Shabbat was regarding the paradoxical nature of Reb Noach's approach to project development mentioned in an earlier post.

On the one hand Reb Noach's stress on the responsibility we have to think, formulate, be creative and develop strategies, using all the G-d given talents and brain cells we have to spread Jewish pride!

On the other, this sense of diving into a project and simply trusting Hashem will take care of us.

I was thinking that perhaps it might be analogous to another dichotomy in vision.

I once asked Reb Noach's son, Rabbi Hillel Weinberg, now the new Rosh Yeshiva of Aish, what is the ultimate purpose of this world. He said "Hakol Bara l'ichvodo", that everything was created for Hashem's honour. To give recognition to Hashem's 'self' so to speak.

I said to him, but surely Reb Noach is unequivocal in his understanding that the purpose of the world is for Hashem to bestow us with His goodness; for us to experience the ultimate pleasure of being close to Him (neneh me'ziv Hashechina). Yes, he constantly emphasised 'kiddush Hashem', 'sanctifying Hashem's name' with everything we do, and saw this as the foundation to all we do, but in the final analysis, the ultimate purpose in creation is the pleasure of connecting to Him..?

He explained that the concepts are one and the same, and by us perfecting ourselves, gaining self mastery, and experiencing closeness with Hashem, we are bringing His honour into the world.

In the Aish Partner's conference that year, on the Shabbat, Reb Noach and Reb Hillel were sitting next to each other. I happened to be one table away and I wanted to go up to them and ask the question! To see if the Rosh Yeshiva (head of Talmudic academy) would agree with his holy son (who is now Rosh Yeshiva) or not! But I bottled it!

Perhaps one could suggest an alternative answer arguing that the two concepts are indeed completely separate, one emphasising Hashem and the other emphasising mankind.

When it comes to Hashem's honour we have to do try and do everything we possibly can, to increase it in the world. That was Reb Noach's overwhelming sense of responsibility, his untiring efforts to inspire Jewish pride and action. It needs tremendous thought and planning which is essentially a cerebral exercise. ("Sof ma'aseh, machshava techila" - First the thought, then the deed.)

On the other hand there is the reality of Hashem's overwhelming love for us and experiencing His closeness. That inspired Reb Noach's serenity and joy, and his almost spontaneous sense of leaping at new projects. It came from the inner recesses of Reb Noach's heart, and his overriding love of the Jewish people and every individual, wanting them to share in the joy and reality of Hashem.

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