Friday 27 March 2009

An idea formulating in memory of Reb Noach z'l

I started this posting at 2am when I should have been in bed! I paused hoping to try and get some sleep but the idea of a project in memory of Reb Noach z'l kept me awake the whole night! My wife, Bracha, texted me twice from bed to come upstairs, but I was in the 'zone' and too excited to go to sleep!!

I was pacing up and down, formulating a model, researching software...thinking of a good strategy! There is nothing quite like the initial buzz of a new project!

As far as I could make out Reb Noach's approach to a project was a fascinating almost paradoxical and oxymoronic combination of two extremes.

On the one hand he stressed "THINK!" Stop, plan, use your brains that Hashem has given you, and make a brilliant game plan. He was full of plans, had files of ideas and research on how to invigorate the Jewish people. He was like an Army General when it came to strategy!

I once asked him about a particular strategy he had chosen for a project regarding Israel, that seemed, in my limited understanding, potentially self defeating, when another more obvious strategy would have seemingly been more popular and engaging.

He looked at me and said, "But it's TRUTH!". The ends never justifies the means, and ones defining criteria had to always be truth. In his assessment the strategy he was leading thousands on, was more 'truthful' irrelevant of how popular it was and that was that!

On the other hand, there was an extreme sense in what he did of "Na'aseh v'nishma!" (Do now, and think later!") He would literally throw himself at a programme or project irrelevant of the resources, the skills on the ground, etc.

It is difficult, perhaps impossible, to bridge these two polar opposites, this total dichotomy in vision, without understanding his defining trait; Bitachon, his faithfulness in Hashem.

It was his total and utter trust in Hashem that He would of course assist him in the task of invigorating the Jewish people, that allowed him to live this duality harmoniously.

The results and success were upto Hashem. If funding would be needed He would provide. If Governments, Dictators, local bodies, would need to give their backing, Hashem would take care of it.

He embodied that incredible sense of responsibilty in being endowed with qualities that meant Hashem had huge expectations! The whole world has to be viewed as though it was created for each of us! Yet he personified the sublime joy, the incredible, pleasure of knowing Hashem is the Boss and will take of everything.

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