Wednesday 1 April 2009

The idea taking form...

Yesterday "Miss logical thinker", Shira Jackson, came to the office, and I tried to eloquently explain the concept that was forming. Firstly she liked it! Yay!

Secondly, she broke it down into different components, giving it a new form. Now at first that was a little disconcerting, like, "what are you doing with the idea..!" but there was definite added value and I've accepted almost all her stylistic points. She is blessed with a very clear mind!

She made me feel really uneasy when she said the whole "Reb Noach" link was a little tenuous to the idea..AHH! Like, that is the...point! But she seemed to be more appreciative of the commercial value of the venture, than the charitable side to it and gave it a thumbs up.

Early this evening I sat in a cafe and started writing in my lovely new notebook! My notebooks always get messy and I'm determined to not let that happen here!

The night before I listened to some more eulogies on Reb Noach from, and the amount of facets that he had is just unbelievable! What is interesting is that so many people thought that one facet over another, was his core trait! "His love of Hashem!", "His love of the Jewish people!", "His realness!", "His never ever giving up, determination and focus!" etc etc.

Hearing them all made me realise that perhaps at his core Reb Noach actually had this ANGER! It was a surprising discovery for me, and made his unbelievably gorgeous smile and chuckle all the more deep! I'm not just referring to his anger that he was renowned to have about things that were wrong in the world, but a fundamental, core bubbling anger like the Kosker Rebbe! Stemming from an absolute passion and fixation on TRUTH! He would scream it out, forcing you to take responsibility for the world!

Reb Noach wanted to change the world and wake it up, and to do so one has gotta be bothered by the confusion, bothered by the chaos, bothered by the crisis of the world.

What is remarkable is that the Kosker Rebbe was a complete elitist and yearned for just 10 people who would be able to live on such a level of existence to change the world. Reb Noach, didn't allow himself such a luxury of searching out for just 10, although he yearned for this a times, and literally tried to awaken every person he met and way beyond not just to see reality, but to take responsibility for that reality.

In so doing, with tremendous help from Hashem and the sheer force of his personality, in Rabbi Rowe's words, he yanked the Jewish people towards a whole new direction of hope and strength.

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