Wednesday 29 April 2009

Major development!

I've been away for a few weeks for Pesach, and read Richard Branson's latest book. I couldn't put it down!

Firstly he is someone who always thinks big and it very much a "just do it!" kinda guy! (Rabbi Naftali Schiff gave me Branson's book "just do it" a while back.) But he also has Virgin advisers around him that are ruthlessy analytical and analyse any business proposal to the nth degree.

He talks about the tension of "firefighting" and 'planning long term', about the importance of approaching charitable causes with the seriousness of business sensibilty and principles.

The book is powerful because Richard Branson is someone who clearly wants to make a difference to the world. Whether it is space colonies, Aids in Africa, the environment, or incredible customer service thoughout his businesses, he is driven by positivity, care, and passion for life.

There was alot I took out of the book that can be incorporated into the idea that is developing.

When I got back from the Pesach vacation, I set up to meet Rabbi Schiff, head of Aish UK, and presented the idea to him. He seemed to like it alot, and gave lots of good input and feedback. I suggested to him that we aim for $3 million to be raised for charity. He said why not $6 million! So that is that!:)

He suggested I meet Rabbi Rowe then and there, 'as this kind of project is his expertise' and he had such a brilliant take on the whole project, and gave it a whole new added focus!

After the meeting that night, while in the airport flying out for business, I sent them a brief outline of what the project would look like based on the chats earlier in the day.

Rabbi Schiff wrote back

"Haven't read in detail, but in theory LOVE IT! Wana check w one of the Aish Big Men and then let's see how to proceed! Shkoach"

The ball is no longer in my court for the time being... Phew! I'll wait to see what response Rabbi Schiff gets from Aish International, and if they want to proceed, and then whether they need me or not to help out with a roll out.

To get to this point has been interesting and exciting! New ideas are complex to implement and many factors need to be considered way beyond my appreciation. It has been a nourishing experience thus far, and eitherway I feel I have learnt alot by connecting more deeply with the ideas of Reb Noach z'l, and trying to do something positive for Jewish pride and invigoration. :)

Wednesday 1 April 2009

The idea taking form...

Yesterday "Miss logical thinker", Shira Jackson, came to the office, and I tried to eloquently explain the concept that was forming. Firstly she liked it! Yay!

Secondly, she broke it down into different components, giving it a new form. Now at first that was a little disconcerting, like, "what are you doing with the idea..!" but there was definite added value and I've accepted almost all her stylistic points. She is blessed with a very clear mind!

She made me feel really uneasy when she said the whole "Reb Noach" link was a little tenuous to the idea..AHH! Like, that is the...point! But she seemed to be more appreciative of the commercial value of the venture, than the charitable side to it and gave it a thumbs up.

Early this evening I sat in a cafe and started writing in my lovely new notebook! My notebooks always get messy and I'm determined to not let that happen here!

The night before I listened to some more eulogies on Reb Noach from, and the amount of facets that he had is just unbelievable! What is interesting is that so many people thought that one facet over another, was his core trait! "His love of Hashem!", "His love of the Jewish people!", "His realness!", "His never ever giving up, determination and focus!" etc etc.

Hearing them all made me realise that perhaps at his core Reb Noach actually had this ANGER! It was a surprising discovery for me, and made his unbelievably gorgeous smile and chuckle all the more deep! I'm not just referring to his anger that he was renowned to have about things that were wrong in the world, but a fundamental, core bubbling anger like the Kosker Rebbe! Stemming from an absolute passion and fixation on TRUTH! He would scream it out, forcing you to take responsibility for the world!

Reb Noach wanted to change the world and wake it up, and to do so one has gotta be bothered by the confusion, bothered by the chaos, bothered by the crisis of the world.

What is remarkable is that the Kosker Rebbe was a complete elitist and yearned for just 10 people who would be able to live on such a level of existence to change the world. Reb Noach, didn't allow himself such a luxury of searching out for just 10, although he yearned for this a times, and literally tried to awaken every person he met and way beyond not just to see reality, but to take responsibility for that reality.

In so doing, with tremendous help from Hashem and the sheer force of his personality, in Rabbi Rowe's words, he yanked the Jewish people towards a whole new direction of hope and strength.

Monday 30 March 2009

Naming the project

Today I bumped into a whole bunch of people that I had been thinking might be helpful for the project, so I got some useful feedback on the broad brush strokes of the idea, which was great.

Based on one of the conversations, I came up with a name for the project which made it very "real"...!

In fact the experience of naming the project at first took it to like a whole new place in my mind........ I almost felt scared of the potential that moment unleashed.

I then struggled internally with this 'fear'! Was it that it now being more 'real' I had to take more responsibilty for it? Was it not wanting to take the new broader view gleaned form the helpful input of others, and thus perhaps ego, or was it a genuine concern that I could lose focus on the initial idea?

Reb Noach was fearless about reality. Why hide from the immeasurable pleasure of knowing truth, experiencing Hashem? We have responsibilities and that shouldn't scare us but energise us!

Later in the day I also had the idea of videoing the process leading up to rolling this project out and think that could add a whole new cool dimension.

Most importantly my pleasurable moment was buying a funky notebook to jot down to-do lists and ideas! I adore perusing notebooks, files etc and I'm looking forward to a break from the computer screen!

Adrenalin rush and working on my sensitivity

It's 4:30 am and I haven't been able to sleep for nights on end now! Last night I was awake until it was light, and tonight looks like the same...!

Last night, I looked into different websites that have a similar concept to the project that I've been chewing on, and reading up blogs from experts in this particular field. It is amazing just how much information is out there on everything and anything...! I joined a number of groups and tested different forums that will be potentially suitable for the roll out.

Tonight I invited large quantities of relevant people to be a facebook friends in preparation. During this activity I listened to many of the eulogies of Reb Noach on

Both nights were informative and important, but I'm a different person right now after what I heard tonight. Yes, the world wide web is fall of "information", but it doesn't change you as a person. But listening to the Toras chaim "the Torah of life" in each of the eulogies, I feel more sensitised, more aware, even ashamed of my day that was. Why wasn't I a better person? Why wasn't I more caring? Why didn't I achieve more? yet I feel empowered to grow tomorrow, to give more, to be more appreciative.

Torah "knowledge"...Torah 'information' should never ever be cold facts...If one is not changed then one isn't learnig right. So, if I can truly start to internalise some of the ideas of Reb Noach on how to actualise one's potential in the correct way, with trust, and with clarity, and with joy and zealousness, then this whole project becomes in his zechus, his merit on every level.

Also I contacted the two people during the day, that I wanted to brainstorm with but neither were able to speak until tomorrow, so I'm excited to hear their response, get their feedback and input, and see whether they are interested in rolling this project out as well.

One person, is very dynamic, charismatic and lives on the other side of the world. The other person is extremely logical and will be able to analyse the idea effectively.

Saturday 28 March 2009

Approaching a project Reb Noach style

Another thought that I chewed on over Shabbat was regarding the paradoxical nature of Reb Noach's approach to project development mentioned in an earlier post.

On the one hand Reb Noach's stress on the responsibility we have to think, formulate, be creative and develop strategies, using all the G-d given talents and brain cells we have to spread Jewish pride!

On the other, this sense of diving into a project and simply trusting Hashem will take care of us.

I was thinking that perhaps it might be analogous to another dichotomy in vision.

I once asked Reb Noach's son, Rabbi Hillel Weinberg, now the new Rosh Yeshiva of Aish, what is the ultimate purpose of this world. He said "Hakol Bara l'ichvodo", that everything was created for Hashem's honour. To give recognition to Hashem's 'self' so to speak.

I said to him, but surely Reb Noach is unequivocal in his understanding that the purpose of the world is for Hashem to bestow us with His goodness; for us to experience the ultimate pleasure of being close to Him (neneh me'ziv Hashechina). Yes, he constantly emphasised 'kiddush Hashem', 'sanctifying Hashem's name' with everything we do, and saw this as the foundation to all we do, but in the final analysis, the ultimate purpose in creation is the pleasure of connecting to Him..?

He explained that the concepts are one and the same, and by us perfecting ourselves, gaining self mastery, and experiencing closeness with Hashem, we are bringing His honour into the world.

In the Aish Partner's conference that year, on the Shabbat, Reb Noach and Reb Hillel were sitting next to each other. I happened to be one table away and I wanted to go up to them and ask the question! To see if the Rosh Yeshiva (head of Talmudic academy) would agree with his holy son (who is now Rosh Yeshiva) or not! But I bottled it!

Perhaps one could suggest an alternative answer arguing that the two concepts are indeed completely separate, one emphasising Hashem and the other emphasising mankind.

When it comes to Hashem's honour we have to do try and do everything we possibly can, to increase it in the world. That was Reb Noach's overwhelming sense of responsibility, his untiring efforts to inspire Jewish pride and action. It needs tremendous thought and planning which is essentially a cerebral exercise. ("Sof ma'aseh, machshava techila" - First the thought, then the deed.)

On the other hand there is the reality of Hashem's overwhelming love for us and experiencing His closeness. That inspired Reb Noach's serenity and joy, and his almost spontaneous sense of leaping at new projects. It came from the inner recesses of Reb Noach's heart, and his overriding love of the Jewish people and every individual, wanting them to share in the joy and reality of Hashem.

The idea in memory of Reb Noach z'l formulates...

It's just been an incredible Shabbat! I've been fluey all week, but the nurofen plus plus plus (!) wedded with this particular idea in memory of Reb Noach z'l, as well as the holiness of Shabbat, gave me this synthetic (?) boost of energy that was amazing.

I made it to Mikveh and Shul on friday night, and woke up at 3am and learnt the parsha and different books until 6am. There is nothing like the sweetness of learning Torah on shabbat!

During the day I had different thoughts on how to roll out the Reb Noach project and also brainstormed possible problems and solutions. I was also thinking, why aim for $5 million?! Let's shoot for $10 million!!

We had shabbat guests staying over but, still fluey, I didn't see much of them!

I like projects to move at a fast, even ferocious pace and I'm thinking of who to first contact to move forward with this one. Two people have come to mind.

The moment you involve other parties it ceases to be your project but then has the potential to be so much more. Each person has unique qualities, perspectives and skills they bring to the table.

The challenge is being ok with a project taking on new unexpected directions, having other people do things their way even when you disagree. The idea that we actually become more by sharing is such a powerful one and ultimately the key to true growth.

Friday 27 March 2009

An idea formulating in memory of Reb Noach z'l

I started this posting at 2am when I should have been in bed! I paused hoping to try and get some sleep but the idea of a project in memory of Reb Noach z'l kept me awake the whole night! My wife, Bracha, texted me twice from bed to come upstairs, but I was in the 'zone' and too excited to go to sleep!!

I was pacing up and down, formulating a model, researching software...thinking of a good strategy! There is nothing quite like the initial buzz of a new project!

As far as I could make out Reb Noach's approach to a project was a fascinating almost paradoxical and oxymoronic combination of two extremes.

On the one hand he stressed "THINK!" Stop, plan, use your brains that Hashem has given you, and make a brilliant game plan. He was full of plans, had files of ideas and research on how to invigorate the Jewish people. He was like an Army General when it came to strategy!

I once asked him about a particular strategy he had chosen for a project regarding Israel, that seemed, in my limited understanding, potentially self defeating, when another more obvious strategy would have seemingly been more popular and engaging.

He looked at me and said, "But it's TRUTH!". The ends never justifies the means, and ones defining criteria had to always be truth. In his assessment the strategy he was leading thousands on, was more 'truthful' irrelevant of how popular it was and that was that!

On the other hand, there was an extreme sense in what he did of "Na'aseh v'nishma!" (Do now, and think later!") He would literally throw himself at a programme or project irrelevant of the resources, the skills on the ground, etc.

It is difficult, perhaps impossible, to bridge these two polar opposites, this total dichotomy in vision, without understanding his defining trait; Bitachon, his faithfulness in Hashem.

It was his total and utter trust in Hashem that He would of course assist him in the task of invigorating the Jewish people, that allowed him to live this duality harmoniously.

The results and success were upto Hashem. If funding would be needed He would provide. If Governments, Dictators, local bodies, would need to give their backing, Hashem would take care of it.

He embodied that incredible sense of responsibilty in being endowed with qualities that meant Hashem had huge expectations! The whole world has to be viewed as though it was created for each of us! Yet he personified the sublime joy, the incredible, pleasure of knowing Hashem is the Boss and will take of everything.